Cosmetology Basics – What to Know Before Enrolling

Let’s review the cosmetology basics: the facts you need to know about cosmetology school before actually enrolling. If you are considering a career in the beauty industry, getting into a good cosmetology school is the first step towards making that dream come true! Whether you have a makeup collection that could fill several bathrooms or can do more with bobby pins than most people can dream of, you should keep these tips in mind.

Research Potential Beauty Schools

Just like with a traditional university, you should research your cosmetology school choices! Learning all you can about a school before actually enrolling is part of the cosmetology basics.

These statistics are easy to come by and really separate the good schools from the best schools! For instance, DuVall’s School of Cosmetology has a 100% pass rate when students take the state board exam. That tells you how much our program truly prepares students for their futures. Remember to take a tour a walk through each school to see the environment you will be learning in. Ask current students what their experience has been like.

  • Length of the Programs
  • Graduation Rates
  • Schedules & Program Dates
  • Financial Aid Programs
  • Cost
  • Graduation Rates
  • Student to Teacher Ratios

There is Financial Aid Available

While cosmetology school can get expensive, it doesn’t mean you are on your own with the bill. Don’t give up before you start if you feel like the cost of tuition will be a barrier to your education. Make sure to connect with the Financial Aid departments at potential schools to see what your options are. It’s also a good test to see how supportive your chosen school will be in helping you achieve your cosmetology dreams. Part of the cosmetology basics is knowing what you will be responsible for when it comes to paying for program costs. Having that information in advance means you can prepare!

The Cosmetology Basics – Being Prepared

The more information you have, the more prepared you will be for success! Part of working towards your dreams are assessing the steps you will need to take in order to get there. Don’t let the amount of schools in your area or cost of tuition delay your dreams!

Get in touch with DuVall’s School of Cosmetology today to plan your tour. Talk to our financial aid department and make a plan for your future.