An esthetician also called a skincare specialist, is someone who specializes in cosmetic skin treatments. While esthetics is closely related to cosmetology, they both actually focus on different things. Esthetics relates to the beautification of the skin, while cosmetology concentrates on the products you put on your skin. Really the two specialties work hand in hand, with the overall goal of making clients look and feel beautiful!

While an esthetician may work with dermatologists, they are not the same thing. A dermatologist has the medical training to allow them to diagnose skin conditions and prescribe medications. An Esthetician uses more natural ways to treat and enhance skin and isn’t focused on the medical side of things like a dermatologist.
Treatments Estheticians Perform

Estheticians are trained in a variety of skincare treatments, as well as skin product knowledge. While some estheticians sell skincare products, all estheticians can point you toward items to help achieve healthy skin. A good esthetician can give each client customized skincare advice to solve personal skin issues.

Most estheticians provide services such as:

  • Hair removal
  • With laser or wax
  • Make-up Application
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Acne Treatments
  • Rejuvenation therapies
  • Body treatments and wraps

Where does an Esthetician Work?

While most estheticians work at spas or salons, there are also other options. Some estheticians work in dermatology offices or are in their referral systems. They perform treatments that work with and complement dermatology procedures.

How do I Become an Esthetician?

An esthetician with quality credentials from DuVall’s will find many career opportunities in the skincare field. If you are passionate about skincare, enjoy working with your hands and interacting with people, then a career as a Licensed Esthetician would be perfect for you! You can be on your way to a rewarding career within the beauty industry where you can put your talents to use.




1000 Hour cosmetology program includes full-time or 3-day scheduling options to fit your lifestyle! From the Student Training Salon to our amazing admissions and financial aid staff, DuVall’s has everything you need.



Our 750 hour comprehensive Esthetics program provides hands-on training from experienced instructors. DuVall’s also partners with some amazing skincare brands to give our students the opportunity for extra certifications and skills.