Beauty school is the best way to start off your cosmetology career path.

While you may have the technical skills to do amazing makeup and hair on your own, cosmetology covers so much more than just one field of interest. Not to mention you need a cosmetology certification, which you can get by attending beauty school.

Certificates & Legal Requirements

Well first off, it’s essential that you have a cosmetology certificate before starting work at any salon or even your own beauty business. It’s a mandatory requirement to be a practicing cosmetologist or beauty therapist. If you start working without that certification, you can get in trouble. Of course, any beauty school will offer the certification exam at the end of your education. At DuVall’s School of Cosmetology, we have a 100% pass rate when our students take their cosmetology certification exam!

Practice Makes Perfect

Becoming an experienced beauty professional requires actual experience. Hours and hours of cutting hair and learning skills over weeks at a time. Beauty school can offer you serious training and experience in a salon setting, allowing you to perfect your techniques.

Better for the Long Term

Besides just learning how to cut hair or apply makeup, beauty school also helps you learn about good salon practices. Training and working in a genuine salon environment – with REAL clients – will definitely help you become a better beauty professional. Cosmetology schools can also help you learn:

  • Customer Service – How to meet and greet customers, talk about treatments, and generally put them at ease. Creating relationships with clients helps you build business long-term.

  • Salon Functions – Learning how a salon functions and is maintained is best learned in the salon environment that beauty school offers. From scheduling appointments, timing appointments, and giving good service. These are things you need to pick up on if you ever want to open or manage your own salon

Beauty School is Your Path to Success in Cosmetology

DuVall’s School of Cosmetology offers you the best chance at being successful in whatever beauty career you choose.




1000 Hour cosmetology program includes full-time or 3-day scheduling options to fit your lifestyle! From the Student Training Salon to our amazing admissions and financial aid staff, DuVall’s has everything you need.



Our 750 hour comprehensive Esthetics program provides hands-on training from experienced instructors. DuVall’s also partners with some amazing skincare brands to give our students the opportunity for extra certifications and skills.